Amazing, I learned things I’ll never forget that helped me through the pandemic, sell my house with lease options and get rid of 25k debt. Grateful as always - Steve, MTS Ltd

The Evolution and Impact of Online Memberships: Building Digital Communities

Online memberships are dynamic hubs uniting people with shared interests, transcending geographical boundaries. These digital communities offer exclusive content and continuous learning opportunities. They blend traditional club benefits with the convenience of online access. Key tools like MemberVault, Aweber, Zoom, PayPal, and Stripe ensure smooth operations, creating a thriving ecosystem for engagement and professional growth.

Mad March Challenge

Take the Mad March Challenge Everyone knows how important content on their website is.  Not just any content rather good quality content. When it comes to blogs 3 types are essential 1. Informative 2. Transactional 3. Unique  There are also other types of content, such as videos and podcasts, that help boost rankings and drive traffic to your site. As we come towards the end of the first quarter of 2024, let's give your websites and or online channels a boost and set them up for great ...

What's Your Dream LIfestyle

What does lifestyle mean to you? For me, flexibility is part of my lifestyle. This week our daughter has visited us most days and we've enjoyed outdoor lunches, in the warm sunshine, great conversation, and enjoying each other's company with no cares about rushing back to work. The focus for Karen Newton International is building wealth, income and lifestyle. Wealth comes from creating or acquiring assets. Income comes from having businesses, properties and digital assets Lifestyle comes from ...

Recessions Provide Opportunities

Today, the UK announced it had gone into recession.  Ireland and Germany announced they were in recession last year and by default that placed the EU in recession. The news wasn’t surprising. As countries recover from the pandemic and face hyperinflation, one strategy to stop inflation is to trigger a recession.  It is surprising how many Central Banks and even the Fed admitted to this recently.  The tools for Central Banks and the Fed are whether it becomes a deep ...

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Neither is Wealth

Rome is an amazing city rich in history.  It is a history rich in empires, riches and failures.  The architecture throughout Rome tells the story of the bygone era.  As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Building wealth is about learning to navigate the ups and downs of financial markets.  Looking at history and understanding what worked in the past and which strategy to adopt for the future. For example, if buying property there are strategies to use in a booming economy ...

The Formula for Wealth Summit - Shane Coyle

Many people dream of owning property, few can make property work for them. They hear all the glamour stories around property but soon discover the reality. This frank presentation takes the guess work out of starting and growing a property portfolio

What Treasures Are Hidden in Your Business

Every business has hidden treasures for exponential growth. When was the last time you deep-dived into your business and found the treasures?

What is Wealth Coaching

What is Wealth Coaching? I recently wrote about most people having preconceived ideas about investing. Their image is based on Hollywood movies such as Wall Street.  High-pressure sales, watching an array of screens and tickers for the latest share prices. Investing is totally different.  investing is creating income-generating assets and getting the best possible result from them. It’s about understanding what is happening in the financial markets.  Identifying or creating ...

Are you a Great Investor?

Many people have preconceived ideas about investing.  Their images of an investor usually come from what has been seen on Television. They imagine Wall Street or similar movies and see investing as high-pressure watching screens and tickers all day and making instant make-or-break decisions. Thank goodness the life of an investor is much simpler than that.   What is an Investor? My definition of an investor is someone who invests their time and money into making more money. There are ...

You are the Best Investor for Your Money

Why You Are the Best Investor of Your Money. It is frightening to see the same sales pitch around investing everywhere you look, knowing full well all it does is put money in the pockets of the companies and so-called gurus, rather than build the investments for their clients. In our early twenties, my husband and I set up investment plans.  There were two sales strategies used to sell the investment plans to us. We could borrow against the investment to buy a property We would be able ...


Comparison of Memberships available

Join a Membership Today

Membership Groups offer the best way to learn and grow wealth, income and lifestyle.

There are 3 levels to choose from upgrading is easy.

Online Entrepreneur Membership - is for those wanting to set up an online business and takes the member through creating a website; setting up SEO; content creation and social media marketing. Groups meet on the 1st Tuesday monthly.

Zero to Millionaire Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur Membership plus it goes through how to build a wealth foundation in property; shares; cryptocurrency; gold and silver.  Groups meet on the 1st Monday monthly.

KNI Mastermind Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur and Zero to Millionaire Memberships plus it provides advanced investing strategies and strategic investing.  Groups meet on the 1st Wednesday monthly.

There are added bonuses such as Market News & Strategies and Joint Venture Opportunities.

You owe it to yourself and your family to build wealth, income and lifestyle starting today

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